Monday, July 30, 2007

Threatened with a Puppy

I'm being threatened with a schnauzer puppy.

One of my friends' daughter received a white schnauzer puppy for Christmas. When my friend told me how rare white schnauzers are, I mentioned that since the puppy was female and already guaranteed to be carrying the gene for the white color, she might be able to start breeding her when she reached maturity and maybe make the money she'd spent on the pup back, and a little more.

Apparently, she laughingly passed this on to her husband, who promptly went out and bought another schnauzer puppy. This one black.

So now my friend is threatening to gift me with a puppy from the first litter. I've delayed this occurrence by making a recommendation that they wait until at least the second heat to breed the little female, since she was the runt, and the male is already larger than she is, even though he's a couple of months younger.

But I think she's gonna cheat and have her daughter give the puppy to me. She knows me well enough to know that I won't refuse a gift from a seven year old, and hurt the little girl's feelings.

*Sigh* At least its not a great dane, right?


  1. I think your friend will try that tactic as well - you can't refuse a

  2. At least it "presents" will be smaller than a Great Danes.

  3. I never could refuse a gift from a child, and her daughter knows it. How do you say no to a little girl that you sat up with when she was a baby and had staph infections, and sat with in the hospital as a toddler? This girl, her brothers, and my nephews have me wrapped around their fingers, and they know it.

    Oh, and Dixie.. Schnauzers are small enough that if she does blackmail me into accepting a pup I'll train it to use a litter box!

  4. So...whatcha gonna name it? By the way.. I keep forgetting to stop by & read your blog :P and tell your dad to flip on his dang messenger sometime!

    Diane (squirrel)


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