Friday, July 27, 2007

Ok, I gotta say it....

What is with people and their thinking that the world owes them something??

This thought has been brought up over and over again by my search for work I can do during school.. 90% of what I've found, at a ballpark estimate, has been scams. Of course, all of these scams seem to prey on that one thought, that many, many people seem to have.

The world owes them a living. Or, not even a living, but a free handout, for minimal effort.

Don't get me wrong I'd love to win ten million from Publisher's Clearing House, but I'm not waiting around for the Prize Patrol.

I see it working on the road, too. People just want a paycheck, they wouldn't know a work ethic if it smacked them upside the head with a baseball bat.

How did it come to this? I mean other than mommy and daddy handing kids everything they want. You'd think that eventually people would realize that the world doesn't work that way, wouldn't you?

Or am I counting too much on the intelligence of your average person?

Meanwhile, I'm still looking for a job that will work around my class schedule, and its dang hard to find one.

*Sigh* Anyone want to be a Sugar Daddy?


  1. I don't know either. I see it in my LE career, and when I step back and look, I realize I am getting the same way.

    I used to care...I used to want to "help people"...I used to want to go to work.

    Now, I just want to collect my paycheck and mark off another day on the "days till vacation" calendar on my desk.

    I personally chalk it up to the whole "seen enough bad stuff" syndrome...I could tell some horror stories most "good, decent folks" would never believe, as they don't want to believe one human could do that sort of thing to another. At the same time, though, I am realistic enough to know I don't have an idea of how to change things.

    Some people just don't care, based on either heredity or environment, and others slowly become that way.

    No wisdom here, just venting.


  2. "*Sigh* Anyone want to be a Sugar Daddy?"

    Farmgirl, don't take this the wrong way but you saying that, along with the facts that I'm single and neither of us is exactly rolling in money, reminded me of a joke/skit thing I saw on tv a long time ago...

    Guy 1: "She was after me for my money."
    Guy 2: "You don't have any money."
    Guy 1: "I know. She was stupid too."

    Well? It did.

    "I personally chalk it up to the whole "seen enough bad stuff" syndrome...I could tell some horror stories most "good, decent folks" would never believe, as they don't want to believe one human could do that sort of thing to another. At the same time, though, I am realistic enough to know I don't have an idea of how to change things."

    anonymous, I don't know how to change things either. Some of us "good, decent folks" *can* believe some "people" can do some really bad things to others. We just don't think of doing those things ourselves so much as keeping it from happening to us. The bad guys you speak of... sometimes I think we'd be justified to stake them out on a fire ant hill, but then, that sounds a bit too much like something they'd do. Just another vent.


  3. Anoymous--
    I can believe it. Oh yeah, I can believe it.
    Maybe for you its time to look at other career possibilities? Or try to stop looking at all the bad crap that makes you feel like its not worth it and focus on the stuff that does seem worth it?

    I'm well known for being a smart-aleck. 'Course, it would be nice to have a sugar-daddy to give me everything I need... Or maybe a rich husband with one foot in the grave and the other on a banana peel :P


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