Monday, July 23, 2007

Back to School

I got my registration done today, back to school August 15th!

Excitement, and nerves, are on the rise.

Still have a few things to get together and get done before school starts, and hopefully find a place nearer the college, if I can work out the financial situation.

In the mean time its lots of getting the last minute prep done, getting the horse up to the school, and all that jazz, so I may not be posting much till I get settled in to my classes.

Perhaps I'll take some time then to look at the differences between continuing your education straight out of high school and taking time out to work in between. We'll see.


  1. So glad to hear you're set for the new semester. You study HARD and learn lots of good stuff.
    FWIW, I think students who have gone out and lived a bit make better learners than those who go straight to Univ from high school.
    I went to U straight out of H.S., dropped out for 6 yrs, then went back at age 25. I appreciated my education more when I was paying for it myself. I was also a MUCH better student the 2nd time around. Graduated a month before my 31st b'day w/ a 3.75 GPA.
    So if I can do it with 2 kids, you can do it, too.

  2. The learning part doesn't bother me. There's only one class that isn't something I'm actually actively interested in this semester, and most of my classes this semester are at the barn. Meaning, actively playing with the horses, which makes me happy.
    My biggest worry is the money, right now. I still haven't found out exactly how much financial aid I'll be able to get, and whether I'll be getting a cost of living allowance or not.... Need to call or email the financial aid lady today.


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