Tuesday, June 19, 2007


I have fans!

I've gotten more response than I honestly expected, already! I really appreciate everyone reading my little things, and I really *really* appreciate all the praise they've received!

I don't know what to say, I figured I might get a laugh here and there, and maybe give people a peek into my dual work life of farming and ranching, and construction, and maybe a teensy little look at my experience with horses (You'll figure this one out... I'm a horse nut) and I've gotten so much response already, I'm just flabbergasted.

Once again, thank you all for reading and commenting. I'll try to live up to your expectations!

...... Crap. I need to take a notebook on the tractor with me now......


  1. Definitely get a notebook. Your first few stories are great. I’m relatively new at the blog reading but I am going to add you to my favorites and tell my wife to also. Keep it up. We will be looking for more!

  2. Thanks! I'll do my best, although I can't promise I'll be able to read any notes I write while on the tractor......

  3. One of my earliest post on my blog was basically stating the same dilemma you have. I have my best thoughts for a blog post while driving to or from work and by the time a actually boot up the 'puter I've got total RAM error.

    Or if it's something I hear on the radio that I think I could post about it's been blogged to death by 30 million other bloggers, so why bother.

    Another problem is I get so wrapped up reading other blogs I don't leave time to write on my own.

    But, there are so many interesting blogs, like Tractor Tracks, that I really don't mind anymore.


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