Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Dear Cow-orker

I get that the weather sucks. I get that you commute forty five minutes each direction.

Here's the thing though. You chose to transfer here without moving. You chose to get a sitter here rather than in your home town.

So when the weather sucks and you have to drive home in it with your son?

I don't feel any sympathy for you, so you can stop complaining.

Also when you leave early and get bored don't text me to see how things are going. I'm a little cranky that you left a contrail as soon as I walked in the door to start with so hearing from you as you sit on your ass at home it's exactly the highlight of my night.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. Is it a coincidence that you call her a cow-orker instead of a co-worker? :)

  2. I salute your honesty, not to mention your balls. Wear them proudly! I also think it's time we told the truth a lot more often, all part of my personal war on PC crap.

  3. LOL- Another day at the funny farm, eh? Hang in there FG!

  4. Oh, you have those too? We have a couple of guys who are out the door the second I walk in. Then they complain about what a lousy relief I am. Of course the fact that they leave me 15-20 minutes of work to do before I can even go in service doesn't seem to register with them as a possible cause of my not walking in the door any earlier than I have to.


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