Friday, September 28, 2007

Yeah, I'm never happy....

Mark reminded me last night of something that I've been meaning to write. Or, more correctly, re-write.

So, I'm working on re-writing the road construction accident from another perspective.

It will probably be in even more installments than the original, which means that all of my readers are going to have to be pretty danged dedicated, because when I printed out the original to aid in the editing process it was 24 pages, single spaced. And the reason I want to re-write it is all of the things that I left out.

Maybe I can turn it into a book, or something.

I wouldn't look for an installment for a few days at least, but I thought I'd let everyone know what was coming.

And, I promise, I won't pull a Pink Gorilla Suit and leave those of you interested in such things hanging on it.


  1. If not a book, at least a novella.

  2. way to go, Farmgirl!!!! I can't wait to read the new instalment!

    and I hope you DO keep your promise of not leaving us hanging, like, say, certain people who shall remain nameless.... let's just call them, oh, I don't know....

    let's just INVENT some initialls.... let's say...


  3. Ouch.

    But, but, but ... if I finish the Pink Gorilla Suit story, what will keep y'all coming back? Huh?

  4. The knowledge that there is more than one Pink Gorilla Suit story?

    The neverending flow of exceptional, educational, and entertaining writing?

    One of those, anyway.


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