Saturday, February 25, 2012

A Reply From Admin

So Admin finally found my post... only got a couple things to say here: One, I'm not Breda (per the mutilation of the profile I created on his site) and two: calling a FarmGirl a steaming pile of cow dung (per the email I received, and may share tonight when I have more time) is, possibly, not the most effective insult, not to mention a fantastically immature response. I ain't skeered.


  1. Whichever irrelevant gun blogger or friend of an irrelevant gun blogger you are is not the point. I've made my point with everyone from the top of the heap, like the conversations I has with super classy Mike Gallion king of gun bloggers, all the way down the lowest 4th-tier gun blogger on the rung who is busy spewing trash that turns off more potential gun owners than you can imagine.

  2. I haven't spewed any trash, on your site of or off of it. I posted an honest review of your service, and person.

    I thought that's what you wanted everyone to be able to do? I just chose to do it on my little corner of the internet, where others couldn't alter or delete my words or intentions.

  3. Just delete his posts. He reason for posting now it to have backlinks to his blog. Deny him that.

  4. Unfortunately, North, as much as I would like to, I'm not going to delete his comments.

    It might give an appearance that I didn't want my readers to see what he had to say, as if he were winning and I wanted to hide it. I don't play that way.

  5. I'm sure he really appreciates your help in backlinking to him.

    If you delete him, he says he is being censored. If you keep his comment, he gets a backlink. He is using you.

  6. can you edit his link out of his name? I've never tried in blogger.

  7. Turns out he likely works for the VPC, go figure!

  8. What a pathetic loser. Making up profiles of "famous" people to pad his membership. It's almost like imaginary friends.

  9. He just a mean admin who needs his mommy!

  10. Pretty pathetic is all I can say, I'm just ignoring him at my blog...

  11. If you delete him, he says he is being censored. If you keep his comment, he gets a backlink. He is using you.

    North is right about this. This is class A manipulation, and if you weren't such an honest and upright person you'd delete his posts and pass his contact information along to your local law enforcement with allusions to cyber crime.

    Possibly a good compromise is to reproduce the comment without the link.

    Lawdog had a minor encounter with this clown - you might take a look and see how he handled it.

  12. Personally, everything I have read from this guy leads me to think that he has serious aggression, rejection, and narcissistic issues.

    It's doesn't really matter if you remove his comments or not because either way he will weave it into his psychosis one way or another


Word verification is now enabled, because I'm tired of deleting spam comments. Sorry guys!